The falling bitcoin market, who is buying when you are selling?

Who is buying bitcoin when you are selling it?

You tend to make rash decisions when things look like they are about to go to hell and you wish to make the quickest escape by maximizing damage control. Every time we wish and hope that even with the falling conditions around us, everything can still be managed if you just quickly pull out of the whole scheme and save your day. This way people of course avoid a whole heavy loss and come out of the chaos with maybe a little profit, but with at least something.

But more often than this, what happens is that people also do tend to incur heavy losses. There have been many reports about people stating that if they had just waited out the whole falling financial market, and waited for the value to rise again, they would have easily made up for their losses and actually come out of the whole scenario better and well off.

Even for those who are not that far sighted or patient enough to handle all the tension of staying in a falling market just in the hopes that it would rise back soon, they should wait and at least give it a thought that if this is actually a falling market, and the most wise decision right now is to sell off all your stash, who would buy their digital currencies if everyone was of the same narrow thought. I am not saying that there is anything wrong in making the decision of selling off your everything because well, to each his own, but even so, if one actually wants to make a very wise decision, they should actually understand that there are people who are going to have to buy your digital currencies, because you cannot just dump your digital currencies in a pit. They actually go to someone else’s wallet when they leave your wallet.

Are you a Trader or an Investor?

Look from this point of view, for suppose you are a trader or an investor who has long term plans on his mind, and for something like this, they would require to put in the least capital for maximum gains. For them to do so, they would definitely love to buy digital currencies, especially Bitcoins, when their price it at its lowest. And in the Bitcoin market, it is a proven fact that the price of Bitcoins is at its lowest when they are being sold off in huge bundles. Such a rapid selling of these digital tokens cause them to lose a huge margin of their value and they end up finally settling at a very low price.

You are selling your bitcoins at a low price

Because of this phenomenon, while the people who are actually selling off their Bitcoins owing to its rapidly falling price thinking that it is the best decision to take, they do not realise that if they actually stash these Bitcoins and actually increase their hoard by buying more of them, they would be buying them on a relatively very lower price and when the Bitcoin price finally rises and you have a great opportunity to sell your Bitcoins, you have more of them to sell, at a very much higher price, thus doubling or even tripling their profits. Such humongous and herculean gains just because they waited out the storm, hoarded more supplies and silently waited to make their move.

Change your thinking

Eventually, if you think selling off your Bitcoins in a falling market is the one sole smart thing to do then maybe you are wrong and you need to reevaluate your entire thinking. If you wish to simply think and want short term and just make the most of the moment, sell them, but if you are looking from the point of view of someone who has a long term plan, realise how much they are gaining from actually buying these Bitcoin from you at a much cheaper rate and then making huge profits in the future when the Bitcoin value starts to rise again. Does this not prove that patience is actually the sweetest virtue and also the one which helps you make the most of every situation in your life in the eventual long haul if not immediately.

So someone else who has the visions of a long term investment is actually making a huge load of profits by waiting out the falling market. When the prices go back up again, owing to the volatile nature of the Bitcoin market, they can finally go in for the kill and make such huge profits of which anyone would be jealous of.