Zebpay: 10 Steps to start trading Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies in India

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Indian markets are known for the incredible momentum boost they given any technology which hits its floors owing to the huge user base in India. Since its introduction into the Indian digital markets in 2012, Zebpay has been given a huge boost in the right direction owing to the tremendous Indian markets. An app-enabled bitcoin wallet provider and digital currency exchange platform, it is in fact India’s first Bitcoin exchange.

It is one of the most easy to use Bitcoin exchanges and simplicity runs in its core. A beginner trader or average investor is spared the complexities and technical know hows which usually come with when using several other popular digital currency exchanges which make it a little difficult to use them. In contrast to such platforms, Zebpay is a very simple to use platform. Any enthusiastic Indian investor, and for that matter an investor from anywhere around the world would love to get their hands on something that is doing so well in the digital markets.

Stay away from bitcoin scams in India and learn how to trade securely with Zebpay.

Here are a few simple steps to get you started so that you can start trading Bitcoin and many more digital currencies on Zebpay:

Step 1: Educate yourself

Money matters are important matters and before diving head first into any sort of investment, one must educate themselves about every aspect of the investment. Likewise, before you actually start using Zebpay, educate yourself, read about it, learn what it exactly is and if it even fits your requirements. Once you are sure that this is the right choice for you, then go ahead and learn how to use it. Do not blindly follow the advice of anyone. It is your money after all. Handle it with the utmost care. Remember, if you are even slightly uncomfortable with the use of this platform, or any other platform for that matter, always clear your doubts. Ask questions, visit online discussion forums and get your doubts cleared. It is very important to have a clear understanding before going ahead with anything.

Step 2: Download the Zebpay App

First of all, get your hands on the Zebpay app. It is made available to you whether you have an android device or an ios device. Access your particular app store and download the app. It would not take more than 2-3 minutes.

Step 3: Sign Up on Zebpay

You are required to first sign up using your personal credentials on their website before you can start trading. You would be required to give your email ID, phone number, PAN card and bank details. Your Aadhaar card details can also be entered as an alternative. Identity verification is done using your email ID and phone number and these two mediums are also used to send you instant notifications and updates upon purchase and sale of Bitcoins so that you can be immediately alerted in case any other unauthorised person tries to make a trade.

Step 4: Secure yourself

Money matters should be handled with utmost care. That being said, cyber security is of prime importance when your money is involved. Accordingly, Zebpay requires you to add an additional layer of security by enabling two factor authentication. You will also be asked to set up a security PIN to verify transactions. Do not forget this PIN. And most importantly, do not share this PIN with anyone else no matter what. Alternatively, if your phone has a fingerprint scanner, you can even set up a fingerprint password instead of a PIN which makes your account even more secure.

Step 5: Wait for verification by Zebpay

Now it takes a little time for the servers at Zebpay offices to actually verify and activate your account so that you can actively use it for trading. If you register early in the day, you would need to wait for about 4 hours before you can actually use your account. If you sign up during the later half of the day, you would have to go through a longer waiting period since this now becomes an overnight process and your account would activate by the next morning. Be patient.

Step 6: Deposit money

You would be required to deposit money in your Zebpay account before you can actually use it to buy Bitcoins. You have two modes of payment that you can choose which can be either a bank transfer or via the means of internet banking. Bank transfers incur no extra charges but internet banking causes you to pay a little extra. On the other hand a bank transfer takes upto 24 hours but internet banking updates your balance instantly. Usually, if you want to deposit a total of Rs. 2500 in your Zebpay account using bank transfer, it incurs no extra charges but if done via internet banking you would actually be paying about Rs. 2548.36.

Step 7: Buy Bitcoins on Zebpay

So now that the formalities are done and over with, finally here comes the fun part. You finally get to buy your Bitcoins! You can now use the balance in your Zebpay account to buy Bitcoins. Simply tap on the ‘Buy’ button click on the trade pair you wish to choose (which would be BTC-INR in this case) and enter the amount of money you want to buy Bitcoins for. After this, tap on the ‘Buy’ button. You would be required to verify this request using a PIN or your fingerprint, whichever method you have specified while signing up. Once the verification is complete, your Bitcoin balance will be updated.

Step 8: Want to sell them?

Now that you have Bitcoins in your balance on the Zebpay account, and you do not want to simply hold them, because quite frankly, what is the fun in that? Let us look into how to sell them to make some profits. Simply tap on the ‘Sell’ and enter the amount you wish to withdraw. If you enter the Bitcoin value it will automatically be converted into Rupees and withdrawn back to your Zebpay account. You can sell any portion of the Bitcoins you hold. Again, since this is a request, you would be required to verify this request again via a PIN or fingerprint.

Step 9: Crypto to crypto trading on Zebpay

If you do not wish to trade in just Bitcoins and Rupees, crypto to crypto trading helps you exchange one digital currency with another digital currency. Click on ‘Buy’ on the home screen. On the top right section, click on trade pair BTC-INR dropdown. Tap on the BTC and select the crypto pair you want to trade. For crypto to crypto trades, fees for all transactions which include fees for the maker, taker, and intraday, will be charged in base currency. After making your selection, enter the amount you wish to trade, enter your PIN or use your fingerprint to authorise the request and tap on ‘Buy’.

Step 10: Withdraw the balance

This would help you withdraw the balance from Zebpay account to your bank account. Navigate to the home screen of the Zebpay app and look for the ‘Withdraw’ option. Once you detect it, tap on it. After this, on the next screen, enter the amount you wish to withdraw and continue.The app will show you a notification with your bank details. If your given bank details are correct, tap on OK to continue. This is the bank account to which your money would be transferred to. You would be required to enter your PIN or provide your fingerprint to authorise the request. Once this verification is completed successfully the amount will be deducted from your Zebpay balance and it will be transferred back to your bank account. It would take a couple of hours for this request to pull through and you would also be charged Rs.10 per bank transfer.

Go through these simple steps, follow them, and you would be able to trade your Bitcoins and any other digital currency using the Zebpay app.