XLM vs ADA: Stellar vs Cardano Analysis

Stellar vs. Cardano

When you are planning to do some investment projects for the individual level or on company level right selection is the must and if it’s about investing blockchain then becomes quite difficult. Adopting the best investment projects for your portfolio can be a difficult task especially since most Blockchain projects are built with unclear objectives and roadmaps. Accept, there are some Blockchain projects that are changing world industries by introducing Blockchain’s capacity for interoperability, immutability, and transparency. Although, how do you settle on the most promising projects to make sure you make a return on investment?

Well, Cardano and stellar are some of the most promising but mostly overlooked cryptocurrency projects.  And they are fundamentally different in the potential of growth in the coming years.

Following are some facts which represent both stellar & Cardano equally

Ease of adoption by the masses

The rate, which a coin is being adopted by the masses affects and to a large extent, the price appreciation and growth of that coin. Though Cardano’s IOHK has made a step towards enabling fast adoption of this currency by securing essential partnerships with governments and leading institutions in various industries, Whereas, Stellar Lumens takes the title of easily adaptable cryptocurrency. The reason for this is, Stellar is used for cross-border payments and currently, their partnership with IBM is fast-tracking XLM’s adoption. Rest, XLM has also partnered with SatoshiPay, giving the Lumens an edge over ADA in terms of adoption.

Development of the projects

For development, Cardano stands at the first position since it boasts to a peer-to-peer review approach which is based on scientific philosophy. It has helped the Cardano become one of the most progressive projects in the crypto space. Simultaneously, Stellar has remained focused on enabling the acceptance of its cryptocurrency worldwide. On another side, even though Stellar Lumens platform development does not have a wide scope of potential application like the one at Cardano, Stellar’s laser focus approach enables faster platform development than Cardano’s.

Performance in the Market

There is no simple way of comparing Stellar Lumens and Cardano in price performance since they rank at position 8 and 7 respectively on CoinMarketCap. While Stellar Lumens has built up to make cross-border payments fast, reliable and affordable, Cardano is an open source Blockchain platform with a smart contract similar to Ethereum. Both cryptocurrency’s prices are almost at the same mark but in Stellar Lumens, it’s featuring slightly higher according to CoinMarketCap.

The versatility of the Blockchain

Cardano possesses of being more flexible from the two Blockchain projects simply because it offers smart contracts which allow anyone to build there own Blockchain applications on top of the Cardano network. And, Cardano comes up in its own wallet and features with unique proof of stake algorithm called Ouroboros. On another way, though Stellar Lumens is also an open source platform that allows anyone to build their own applications, it does not provide as much flexibility as Cardano.

Which one is better Cardano (ADA) and Stellar (XLM)?

Both of these currency platforms have almost the same objective for improving Blockchain’s capabilities. And each of them has a lot of competition to deal with also. Stellar own has proven to be a cryptocurrency worth watching, but when compared with Cardano, it is not that difficult to pick the ADA over XLM. Cardano offers inter-operability of crypto coins which shows a better growth chart than stellar and boasts a far larger market cap.