US President Donald Trump to issue new guidelines for reopening the country soon

US President Donald Trump revealed plans to reopen the country, and he would authorize governors to lift stay at home orders amid the pandemic. Speaking in the White House Rose Garden, President Trump said that encouraging developments have put the country in a very strong position to finalize guidelines for states on reopening the country. The President said that he would further talk about reopening the country on Thursday.

President Trump continues to lay the groundwork for reopening across states.

Trump continued to lay the groundwork for reopening across states, lauding his conversations with industry executives as the members of his task force pointed to areas of the country with fewer cases. US President also blamed Senate Democrats for blocking his judicial nominations and even threatened to “adjourn” both chambers of Congress. Constitutional scholars noted that the President does not have the authority to do so for that reason under the circumstances.

Earlier, President Trump said that he has “total authority,” and the “President calls the shot,” his statement drew backlash and rebukes from several governors, some of whom banded together by region to form geographically-coordinated responses to the pandemic. President said that some of the states might open up their economies before May 1.

US President suspends funding to WHO.

Earlier, US President Trump announced to cut fundings to the World Health Organisation in the midst of a pandemic. Donald Trump blamed the organization for not acting early enough and providing accurate information. The USA pays $400 to $500 million annually to the World Health Organisation. Trump also blamed WHO for criticizing his decision to ban travel from China early on, which he claims saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

The President also added to an expansive list of US businesses and industry executives to advise him on reopening parts of the country, after suggesting some areas could open ahead of May 1, when the current White House social distancing guidelines are set to expire.