Telegram launches Gram wallet for IOS

Messaging service giant Telegram revealed that its soon to be launched cryptocurrency Gram’s wallet is now accessible in the alpha version on IOS. At the moment wallet only operates in Telegram Open Network testnet blockchain. Users on IOS can send and receive Grams. According to a New York Times report, Telegram will launch its blockchain network at the end of next month.

Fyodor Skuratov who works at TON Labs, informed that the wallet is still under development. He further explained that users who want to access more advanced functions like buying and exchanging Grams would have to contact third-party developers.

Earlier this month, the messaging service platform launched TON testnet and node software. And in April the firm released its beta to test the TON blockchain to selected world developers. Last year Telegram secured $1.7 billion in ICO for its blockchain project.

New York Times reported that if Telegram does not provide its investors with the coins by the 31st October, the firm will have to forfeit all that amount back to investors. Telegram has also faced criticism from authorities for launching its cryptocurrency as it would make challenging to combat terror financing and money laundering.