Blockonix releases its updated roadmap, might shift its dApp to EOS or Tron

Decentralized ethereum exchange Blockonix announced its new roadmap today mentioning about its plans to shift to other fast and cheap dApp platform like EOS or TRON.

Blockonix Exchange currently runs on the ethereum network blockchain and lets the users trade Ethereum and Ethereum based tokens in a decentralized environment without the involvement of any third party.

The article posted by Blockonix reads:

The team is researching blockchains such as EOS, TRON, STRATIS, CARDANO and some others where the main point of concern is the adoption of the particular blockchain by users across the world.

Blockonix roadmap as published here.

0% earning for Blockonix: Complete Decentralization

The Blockonix Exchange is one of a kind decentralized exchange which has every function from token listing to trading; on the blockchain, the company owns no wallet or functions of the exchange. Not only this, but the company works on a revenue-free model with all the fee earned through trading and listing of new tokens burnt automatically every day through an Ethereum Smart Contract. Apart from this Blockonix offers a tremendous amount of discount (70%) if the user pays the trading fees in BDT Tokens (The native token of the Exchange).