XRP is now #2 Cryptocurrency, Ripple overtook Ethereum

XRP is now officially the #2 cryptocurrency in the world with over $2.4 Billion Market Cap. The recent increase in the market cap was due to the rapid surge in Ripple Price after the XRapid Launch news was published.

The market cap of Ripple is now $23555443, which just surpassed Ethereum’s market cap of $23367070

Bitcoin Market cap stands at #1 at $116228274

Ripple Price Rise

XRP  Price broke all the obstacles and went to a swift uptrend against both Bitcoin and US Dollar. With the surging price, the total market cap of the cryptocurrency also noticed an enormous hype making Ripple the #2 Cryptocurrency after Bitcoin; beating Ethereum on the Cryptocurrency Market Capitalization list. More and more banks are utilizing the Xcurrent platform including the recent adoption by PNC , USA’s top financial services group.

Ethereum Price Decay

The former #2 cryptocurrency Ethereum noticed a vast decay in the previous few weeks with the reasons starting from large OTC selling by ICO’s (Initial Coin Offerings) and the ethereum miners backing out saying that ‘Ethereum Mining is no more profitable’. Ethereum price dropped down from whooping $450 in August to $190 a few days back. This has resulted to a huge number of prominent investors and traders opting out of the Etheruem Cryptocurrency stating that Ethereum has no future now.

Can Ripple Maintain the #2 position now or will Ethereum take back revenge? What are your thoughts on the same? Tell us in the comments section below.