Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey believes Bitcoin holds the keys to security.

The Oslo Freedom Forum, an event-based entity under the Human Rights Foundation’s wing, or HRF, digitally hosted Square CEO Jack Dorsey for a quick interview on YouTube. During the engagement, the CEO spoke positively about crypto’s largest asset, Bitcoin. Jack Dorsey told host and HRF president Thor Halvorssen in an interview that Bitcoin’s whole spirit, for instance, is to provide a trusted system in a distrusted environment, which is the internet.

“Technology as an example of fresh technological innovation.”

Jack Dorsey’s comment came in the midst of a discussion on security and protection methods against nefarious parties. “I fundamentally believe that security is not something that can ever be perfected,” he said. “It’s a constant push to be ten steps ahead of your attackers.” Concerning Twitter, a platform that Dorsey also leads, he named multiple helpful avenues in keeping an edge over attackers, including company’s maintaining a sense of internal self-awareness about their own security and various external insights. He also mentioned choosing proper company frameworks, “Making sure that we’re building the right secure systems within our platform so that we can have trust in an untrusted environment,” he said in the interview.

Jack Dorsey has been a vocal advocate of bitcoin.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey had been a vocal advocate for bitcoin for a long time. Dorsey used the asset and its technology as an example of fresh technological innovations paving the way for greater security, making trust a less crucial component. Dorsey also mentioned the concept and importance of individuals being able to hold their own access capabilities and keys, as seen in Bitcoin.

Later in the interview, Twitter CEO described blockchain and decentralization as changing online content landscapes, hosted by numerous parties instead of centralized entities.