Top 12 SubReddits for Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

SubReddits are categories dedicated to specific topics, where people can connect and share information and opinions. You also have the option to subscribe and unsubscribe to any subreddit you like. We have listed down top SubReddits for blockchain and cryptocurrency that you might enjoy browsing.

These subreddits include different aspect of the crypto world and blockchain technology. If you are a tech enthusiast or looking for discussions about different crypto trade, we have you covered.

Following are the top 12 Subreddits for Blockchain and Cryptocurrency.

1. r/Bitcoin

The community is dedicated to the most popular digital currency Bitcoin. The platform introduces to what Bitcoin is and other related aspects of this cryptocurrency. The page also informs about how bitcoin is a widely distributed and a worldwide digital asset. This community has 1.1 million members, So if you are a bitcoin enthusiast, join the group here.

2. r/Cryptocurrency

This cryptocurrency section on Reddit is not like any other news platforms about crypto. Here you can discuss anything you want related to the crypto world. This section is not limited to any particular aspect of cryptocurrency. If you are a subscriber of this page, you have the option to post, or you can join a room to discuss cryptocurrency. This subreddit has more than 900,000 subscribers. Subscribe to r/cryptocurrency here.

3. r/Ethereum

Users of cryptocurrencies are familiar with Ethereum, a decentralized application which utilizes smart contracts. This subreddit is dedicated to the operations related to Ethereum. Posts on the page are divided into three aspects, Top Posts, New Posts, and Controversial Posts. This page has 443k subscribers. If you are also an Ethereum enthusiast, visit the page here.

4. r/BTC

r/BTC was created to support free and open discussion about bitcoin. On this subreddit, you have access to all news related to bitcoin and along with that, exclusive AMA (ask me anything) sessions from industry leaders. On this subreddit, you have the option to share, vote, and comment on any post. With 250,000 subscribers this subreddit is among top pages about Bitcoin. Visit the page here.


Litecoin a cryptocurrency derived from bitcoin, with the focus on speed, efficiency, and wider initial coin distribution through the use of scrypt-based mining. This subreddit was created to discusss news and updates about Litecoin. This Litecoin dedicated subreddit has 206,000 subscribers. Visit the page here.

6. r/ethtrader

This subreddit community is dedicated to Ethereum. Here you can discuss news, memes, investing, trading, miscellaneous market-related subjects, and other relevant technology related to Ethereum. This page has 217,000 subscribers. If you also deal with Etherum or are want to learn about it, visit the subreddit here.

7. r/Ripple

Ripple allows users to make transactions globally with ease. It also makes use of the digital asset XRP, which is the fastest with high scalability to reduce cost and gain access to new markets. On this page, you get updates every hour. This subreddit community is dedicated to Ripple. Posts on this page are categorized into four parts; Hot Posts, New Posts, Top Posts, and Controversial Posts. It has 203,000 subscribers. Visit the page here.

8. r


r/cryptomarket is a community of Forex traders who use cryptocurrencies. All information related to the crypto market and trading is regularly updated on the page. Mt gox bitcoin, long term potential, open-source exchange, and low inflation rate are some of the tags that this subreddit includes. If you trade in cryptocurrency, this page can provide you with some handy information. Visit the subreddit here.

9. r/BitcoinMarkets

Subscribers of this subreddit have access to technical analysis, trading analysis, and strategies to make educated decisions. It gives you an overview of how the market looks like and what you need to do or put in place to make profits. It has 137,000 subscribers. Visit the subreddit here.

10. r/altcoin

r/Altcoin is one of the best platforms where you can get fast updates about altcoin and other blockchain-related issues. Subscribers of this subreddit have access to all news related to blockchain projects like Ethereum, Ripple, Lisk, Ark, Stellar, etc. Frequent posts keep subscribers update about altcoin. This page has 81,000 members. Visit this subreddit here.

11. r/icocrypto

This subreddit is dedicated to providing information on different Initial Coin Offering (ICO). If you are a trader, you can get a lot of information on this page about ICOs and general guidelines on how to approach the trade. You can also participate in the discussions of ICO. This page has 72,000 subscribers. Visit the page here.

12. r/BitcoinBeginners

On this platform, you can ask any questions you want related to bitcoin or any cryptocurrency. This subreddit is very useful for beginners who have limited knowledge about cryptocurrency and want to get started with investing in digital currencies. You can clear all your doubts on this page. This subreddit has 70,500 subscribers. Visit the page here.

This was our list of top 12 Subreddits about blockchain and cryptocurrency. Even if you are new to the crypto world or an expert trader, these subreddits are a great way to get more information and share your opinions about the subject.