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Top 10 Friendly Countries for Blockchain Startups

While some countries are allowing blockchain startups to set up legally, while some are in no mood. Here are the top 10 count
While some countries are allowing blockchain startups to set up legally, while some are in no mood. Here are the top 10 countries for blockchain startups.

Blockchain has been a revolution in the digital market for the last couple of years. It has occupied an important place in the digital currency revolution. The growth of technology has touched various fields such as smartphones, vehicles, shipping and a small sector in the sector of banking.

Although there is no country in the world which is not aware of this technology, there is a huge difference of opinion among countries regarding this revolution. There are various factors a blockchain startup has to look up before deciding it as a host country such as the jurisdiction regulations of the country, political views, tax system etc as these factors are going to affect the growth of any startup. While some countries are allowing blockchain startups to set up legally, while some are in no mood for any such beginning in the country and there are also some countries which are not sure about it.

Let us take a glance at the top 10 friendly countries for blockchain startups:

1. Malta:

This small Mediterranean country is on the verge of becoming the ‘island of blockchains’. The beginning of all these was when the biggest cryptocurrency exchange of world, Binance chose to inaugurate its office in this country. Also, they have informed all to set up a ‘crypto’ bank on this island.

Malta has been improving and enhancing new regulations that are friendly for blockchain startups. The country is so much dedicated to this technology that even the head of the country, the Prime Minister has predicted that the country will be the best place for this kind of startups throughout the world. The regulations are mainly focussed to evolve and encourage the investors to start this kind of projects in the country.

2. Switzerland:

The settling up of a crypto valley in one of its town, Zug, is sufficient to describe how much amiable this country to blockchain startups. It is one of the famous center of blockchain technology across the globe. Adding to the ice, they have imposed a tax-free regulation for the investors who want to invest in this kind of startups. Apart from it, their laws and regulations are very attractive and appreciated by investors as well as developers.

It has been the host of several blockchain projects including DFINITY, Xapo and of course, Ethereum. The privacy rules and protection of data are also appreciated by the blockchain startups.

3. Japan:

Japan is one of those countries which have approved cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin as a legal tender. It has been home of several blockchain traders, even some of the stores in the country have no problem in taking payments from users as Bitcoin currency. After six months of recognizance of cryptocurrency as legal, Japan is now accountable for more than half of total such trades.

Although there are various regulations regarding blockchain startups, they are friendly and easy to be acceptable and it’s not difficult to stary sich any startup in the country.

4. Singapore:

This country is a home of a huge number of triumphant startups in the field of blockchain technology. This country is nearer to two super giant technology rival countries Japan as well as China which makes it a more suitable center for startup of blockchains. The rules and regulations of this country are also very amiable and favorable bt the cryptocurrency. It has already a lot of exchanges of blockchain currency. So if a blockchain startup is willing to start and want to be in touch of both China and Japan clients and government, Singapore is the best country.

5. Belarus:

Two years back itself in 2017, this country made several rules and regulation affecting blockchain and crypto industry. As per these laws, they have made these digital currencies as the legal one in the country. The restrictions in the trade related to blockchain technologies are so friendly that the investors almost feel free to start any such startup or invest in this kind of organizations. Also, as per the rules, these kinds of trades are tax-free in the country until 2023. Due to the friendly rules and success, it is one of the preferable countries for blockchain startups.

6. Estonia:

Estonia is a developing country which has always tried to adopt new technologies in order for the benefits of the people and finance of the country. It has imposed several acts that attract the investors of the country as well as other countries to set up a blockchain startup in this country. It has declared itself to be a remarkable country in blockchain technology very soon. Also, they have established a new kind of citizenship known as e-residency which also attracts blockchain startups.

7. South Africa:

This country has depicted a tremendous interest in blockchain technology. They have made the crypto transactions as legalized one in the country. They have made several initiatives in order to attract the investors to start such startup in South Africa. The rules and regulation related to this crypto market in this country are also not so harsh, they always tend to welcome these industries. It is becoming as one of the most profitable countries for blockchain startups in Africa subcontinent.

8. Denmark:

Denmark has already announced a regulation stating complete relaxation in tax for any kind of blockchain trade. It is one of the most amiable countries for welcoming these types of startups in the country. The rules of the country are very friendly for the crypto industry making it one the interest for blockchain startups.

9. United States:

When it comes to adopting new technology in the market, this country is always in the front. The rules and regulations vary across different states of the country. Despite the oppose in some state, there are Bitcoin ATMs in the country. The friendly states of the county, Montana, Texas, etc. have very amiable regulations while welcoming the blockchain startups. Apart from it, no other country in the world can be better for any technology to start other than the US itself.

10. United Arab Emirates (UAE):

This Arabian country is also one of the most friendly nations. They have already used their own digital currency since 2016 and now welcoming global cryptocurrencies. The jurisdiction is very cooperative towards the blockchain and crypto industry. They are planning to be the first country in the world as a government powered by blockchain by next year. Due to these reasons, UAE is also one of the most preferable countries for blockchain startup.

The market conditions of countries continue changes. The expansion of crypto and interest in blockchain startups is so high that many countries are willing to accept it in their country. There are various factors to establish the startup in the country and initial requirement would be an amiable regulation and legalization. Apart from above-mentioned countries, UK, Sweden, China, South Korea etc. are also preferable.
