Ponzi scheme OneCoin’s main website goes offline.

The main website of the infamous crypto scam OneCoin, has gone offline. Domain Name System (DNS) records show that OneCoin still owns the domain, but it is currently under investigation. OneCoin has been declared as a Ponzi scheme by different governments all over the world.

The lawyer who laundered scam money found guilty.

As reported earlier, the American lawyer who helped OneCoin laundered its scam money was found guilty by the US court. The lawyer Mark Scott faces up to 50 years in jail. He laundered the scam money via banks in Ireland and the Cayman Islands, disguising it as investment from “wealthy European families.”

Before Mark Scott, the brother of Ponzi scheme founder Ruja Ignatova, Konstantin Ignatova, had pleaded guilty for his role in OneCoin scam.

OneCoin founder is still missing.

The mind behind the alleged $4.4 billion scam, Ruja Ignatova, known as “cryptoqueen,” is still on the run. Earlier, her brother had revealed some information as to where she could be, but as of now, she is still on the run from authorities of various countries. If Ruja Ignatova ever gets caught, she will face charges of wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, securities fraud, and conspiracy to commit money laundering, and each one of the charges carries a maximum of 20 years sentence.