Ong Jun Hao, founder of a blockchain advisory, talks about his inspiring journey

This article is not sponsored. The interview was conducted through Linkedin with Ong Jun Hao, you can visit his profile here.

Many people plan and work towards their goal, hustle every day, but only a few of them achieve those. One such person who met his goals and made it to the news is Ong Jun Hao, an entrepreneur, reached the goal of having $1M worth of investments by the age of 26 in the year 2018. In this article, we will introduce him & later ask him five questions which can be aspiring for other blockchain entrepreneurs like him.

Ong Jun Hao

Jun Hao is the founder and CEO of one of the leading blockchain advisory firm in Asia, Along with this, he is the co-founder of a Japanese food business-cum-restaurant chain, Kenboru, a venture that he owns with his partner Samantha Lin.

Jun Hao was always highly motivated to earn money and invest, and he kept himself updated with all the latest news. He graduated from the Singapore Management University with a bachelors in business and finance. His interest in finance started the journey of investing in equity shares approximately eight years ago.

In the year 2016, Jun Hao came across the world of cryptocurrency and thought of it as an alternative asset for investment and started getting involved in it. In the year 2017, he launched his company,

After two years of being in the industry, they were ranked as one of the top blockchain advisory firms and with a client base of 40+ clients that are publicly listed, really helped them to gain this reputation.

Over the years, he has gained thousands of followers on various social media platforms for the expertise and knowledge that he holds about the cryptocurrency world and blockchain technology.

Till date, Jun Hao has amassed over 20,000 followers on Telegram, where he acts as the mentor to his followers. Using Telegram, Jun Hao is trying to guide people to make them understand the basics of cryptocurrency as well as helping them to focus on the cryptocurrency market.

He is also invited for various blockchain events as a speaker and panelist that happen globally. Jun Hao believes that it is essential to educate people on blockchains and cryptocurrency and suggests them not to follow the things that are trending blindly. This is the reason why he started his Telegram channel.

Jun Hao is a member of the core team at project Torus that allows login solutions for Dapps. Torus is a distributed private critical management project that helps the users by abstracting the private key management and will enable them to use blockchain applications with natural methods like that of Google and Facebook.

Jun Hao is also listed amongst the top advisors on the ICO review platform, After working as an advisor for various firms, he founded his own company named BlockConnectors, which is a firm that offers solutions for Initial Coin Offerings (ICO).

We asked him five questions regarding his journey, which can help other blockchain entrepreneurs learn from him:

1. What are your thoughts on the blockchain technology and its future?

I firmly believe that blockchains are the future, and adapting the technology will make things better for businesses as well as users. Introduction of blockchains has only made things easier for everyone associated with them.

2. But what about the challenges faced by this industry?

With the knowledge of blockchain, I also understand the challenges that the blockchain industry has to face and needs to overcome on the technological front.

I want to tell you what Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, mentioned in one of his speech that how the year 2018 was the year of development of decentralized applications and how the year 2019 should be the year of adoption of this technology.

3. What is your aim with BlockConnectors?

BlockConnectors is a brainchild of my constant thinking and my experience in the advisory field. It is a first step advisory service provider that connects you with ecosystem partners that can help a business with core services such as whitepaper drafting, token placement, community management, web development, and many other services.


We aim to provide a streamlined process and a clear roadmap for our clients. With our services, we allow the business to take their blockchain project to the market by providing them an entry point in the shortest time possible.

4. Can you tell us about your clients, the ones who are publicly mentioned?

Huobi and Symphony are amongst the 40+ renowned clients that use our blockchain services and solutions.

5. What are your thoughts on the adoption rate of the Dapps? Can you tell us about project Torus, in which you work as a member of the core team?

There are several Dapps present in the market right now, but their adaption rate is very low. One of the main reasons behind this is because the barriers to entry for using these Dapps are very high.

Torus was introduced to help the user by providing them frictionless login solution for Dapps, which would help to increase the adoption rate of Dapps. The company was previously funded and incubated by Binance Labs and Coinbase Ventures. They were also among the sponsors for ETH Network.

The reason behind the founding of Torus was to help new users onto the future world of Dapps.

It’s young entrepreneurs like Ong Jun Hao that are working hard every day to bring a change in the industry of blockchains and Dapps, and with their efforts, they try to bring the community closer.

If you are a young entrepreneur with a startup, come forward and let us know. We’ll be happy to write about you.