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Nevada crypto millionaire building Blockchain community

Blockchains LLC is a startup in Nevada, which has just invested in a desert area in Reno. The real estate investment is for t
Blockchains LLC is a startup in Nevada, which has just invested in a desert area in Reno. The real estate investment is for the explicit purpose blockchain

Blockchains LLC is a startup in Nevada, which has just invested in a desert area in Reno. The real estate investment is for the explicit purpose of building a blockchain-based community and the primary force behind this development is- Jeffery Berns, a millionaire in cryptocurrencies.

Berns envisions blockchain futuristic community

The very first step in the process of blockchain evolution is to have an ecosystem which will allow the digitized economy standards to be deployed, says Berns. In his view, when a community resides in a digital economy, they will have higher control over the data and the information which is used in this setup.

The focal point is the concept of ‘distributed collaborative entity’ where personal data storage, as well as voting, will be enabled for all purposes across the community. The infrastructure to be developed includes schools, commercial areas as well as houses and other urbanized needs. The address of the residents will be an Ethereum address on which will reside the personal identification data. These are then utilized for purposes of voting, and the structure itself will be able to survive based on the collaborative systems.

Berns has other plans for his data-driven community members. In the nearby mountains, he will create vaults where they will be able to house their private keys. These will be customized services and will be of use for multiple digital devices. Berns states that they will have to

get enough people to trust the blockchain, we can begin to change all the systems we operate by.”

Berns is a lawyer by profession and has lately been dreaming of this cryptocurrency venture. His belief in this virtual currency alternative is driven by his exposure to Ethereum’s storage capabilities. Typically, Berns financial prowess to build such an impossible dream has come from the sale of Ether he once owned.

He used the funds to found Blockchains LLC in an old office building and has been an evangelist motivating his immediate staff to travel the journey he has chosen and to seek appropriate municipal approvals by the county.

The project is scheduled to start by the end of 2019, according to confirmed reports by Blockchains LLC.

Community supportive

Though Berns may have a burning desire to set up the world’s first Blockchain community and wire it with the best of what blockchain technologies can do for civilization, he can achieve even a small percentage of his vision, if and only when the local residents near his Reno purchase agree to his grandiose dreams.

In fact, the region has become fascinated by the kind of opportunities the people here can explore following the introduction of a unique and untested theme of decentralized distribution systems driving economic development in the country.

Interestingly, this swathe of the cryptographic real estate will come into existence in an area which has already seen some disruptive technologies acting – Tesla’s Gigafactory producing solar batteries for hybrid cars as well as other big-time technology companies such as Apple Inc, Google as well as Switch.
