Legislators in Russia propose draft bill for development of Crypto and Blockchain Technology

The legislators in Russia have proposed a draft bill for the development of Neuro and Quantum technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Virtual & Augmented Reality and Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technologies.

Sandboxes in Russia:

The sandboxes will aim to provide a more flexible regulatory environment than the one which is currently found in Russia at the Federal level in terms of a legal framework.

The sandboxes basically limit the legal risks for these businesses and actually provide a setting inside of Russia where innovation can actually take place in these industries and at the same time allowing for the legal frameworks to actually being developed by real-world testing.

The Sandbox Approach is a form of basically technology testing and legislative development that is becoming increasingly popular around the world with sandboxes now happening in many regions. The regulatory sandboxes will be created in the capital i.e. Moscow and the regions around Russia of Perm Krai which is in Central Russia, the Kaluga Oblast which is a region adjacent to Moscow and Kaliningrad Oblast. It is quite surprising to not see Saint Petersberg or Vladivostok on this list.

This is only days after the idea of using a cryptocurrency for Crimea, a region which due to international sanctions is having a very hard time accessing capital investment for the region.