Launch Alert: Ethereum Grid 1.5.0

The latest version of Ethereum Grid is much better than the previous one and has many new features too. The update brings a new user interface along with new features such as IPFS support, an RPC testing app, and support for Geth 1.9.0.

Ethereum Grid 1.5.0 is a desktop application that helps the user to download and use Ethereum tools through the given interface. Usually, these tools are only available for the technical audience via command-line interfaces. All the versions before this one were labeled as alpha softwares. This release is called the beta version.

What is new in this version?


Testers have confirmed that the app will run in the background, and new architecture and elements have been introduced to make that happen. These are referred to as Nano. These will be accessible through an Ethereum logo that will be present in the menu bar. You can install an run a plugin in one click.

Greater Plugin Customization

Geth has about 100 flags available for the customization of the node. Only a few of those which were used most frequently were displayed in the Grid UI.

GraphQL Network Explorer

Version 1.9.0 is shipped with GraphQL support, which enables the users to query for block data with ease. Support service is also added for using the tool within Grid.

IPFS Support

IPFS plugin and app is also added to the Grid. InterPlanetary File Storage(IPFS) is a type of decentralized storage solution and its the first Grid plugin that is being included which is not Ethereum client.

RPC Tester App

One of the best ways to learn about Ethereum nodes is to explore their APIs. To help with this, they have added a sandbox app for this which acts as a powerful starting point.

Display Plugin Code and Metadata

The Grid can easily verify plugin binaries and apps that are compatible with the Ethereum package, and this has been made easier as they now show the code and metadata within the UI.

These are the main features that you’ll get to see on the latest version, and the developers have tried their best to make the user experience better. You can get more information here,