Despite falling valuation, value of Ether locked in DeFi continues to rise

Despite the recent crash in the bitcoin and altcoins market, the crypto lock up in the decentralized finance has climbed over in the past two weeks.

DeFi Pulse collected some data in which it was found that the total value of crypto assets that were locked in the decentralized finance has grown from $512 million on 13th September to $608 million on 19th September. This marked an 18.7% increase in the assets. This rise in the value was caused due to the movement of Ether from $180 o $224 within that period.

Image Source: DeFi Pulse

However, this valuation decreased as the DeFi came down to $475 million as the price dropped in Ethereum and Bitcoin. Investors are still locking their assets in the marketplace, even with the falling valuation.

Image Source: DeFi Pulse

As the ETH price continued to drop, an opposite trend was seen forming in the DeFi chart as the total Ether rose from 2.77 million to 2.97 million on 26th September. Some believe that this increase in Ether is being caused by the users creating new contracts in going long or short on the crypto markets.