Democratic Presidential candidate Joe Biden does not own any bitcoin, asks supporters to donate in cash

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden revealed he has zero bitcoin a day after hackers compromised his Twitter account to solicit bitcoin from his followers. The former vice president revealed that he does not own any Bitcoin and would not ask anyone to send him any. He instead directed his followers to a website where they can donate in US dollars. Joe Biden, who will take on the incumbent US President Donald Trump in November Elections, has not said anything about the crypto industry so far.

Twitter hack sparks conversation about bitcoin.

The microblogging platform Twitter witnessed a major security breach last week when hackers managed to compromise accounts of famous people, including former US President Barack Obama, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Kanye West, and many others to solicit bitcoins. The massive Twitter hack has sparked a conversation about bitcoin and the crypto industry. The leading cryptocurrency bitcoin has gained mainstream exposure and has piqued the interest of people. The CEO of crypto exchange Binance, Changpeng Zhao, had said that the hack has worked as a massive advertisement campaign for bitcoin.

What would be crypto regulations like under Joe Biden’s presidency?

The former vice president and the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, has not clearly mentioned his intentions about the crypto industry. But analysts believe that he is up to date with the tech sector’s innovations and will take proper measures. Most of the policies that Joe Biden has proposed are on the moderate side compared to what Bernie Sanders proposed in his campaign earlier. Joe Biden’s endorsement for crypto could gain him votes of the crypto community in the country. Earlier, Andrew Yang, the former Democratic presidential candidate, had called for the positive regulations for the crypto industry. But he dropped out earlier this year and endorsed Joe Biden.

The FBI is currently investigating the major Twitter hack that happened last week.