Democrat candidate Andrew Yang is accepting donations in bitcoins

The democrat Andre Yang is the only presidential candidate accepting donations in bitcoins. The 2020 presidential candidate is known for supporting cryptocurrency and blockchain. He previously said that there is a need for an agency that can establish a clear framework for cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Some from the crypto community who support Andre yang launched a crypto-friendly super PAC on 25th July, human forward fund. The donations will be accepted from lightning wallets. Human FWD will only accept bitcoins for the first 21 days.

According to the Center for Public Integrity, almost nine federal candidates, parties and super Political Action Committee received nearly $600,000 worth of cryptocurrency donations during the 2017-2018 election cycle. Humanity FWD partnered with OpenNode to enable bitcoin donations via Lightning Network.

Seth Cohen, the founder of Humanity FWD, said that accepting donations through OpenNode will reduce transaction fees as opposed to donations through credit cards. He further added that credit card processors charge up to 4%, while OpenNode charges only 1%. Cohen didn’t say anything about what PAC plans to do with bitcoins whether they would convert them or hold them till the program ends.

Andrew Yang is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who contributed $120,000 to establish Venture For America (VFA), an accelerator aimed at building new startups in emerging cities of the USA. The presidential candidates’ positive stane crypto has made him a favorite among the crypto community