Crypto Media falls for fake Mike Tyson’s Blockchain venture

Recently three crypto media outlet covered a story about how American former boxing champion is about to enter in the blockchain space with his sports-related website Fight to Fame. Later Mike’s attorney and his wife, who is also his manager, have denied any link of Tyson with the website. The websites covered the story claimed that mike Tyson is supporting cross-media entertainment platform that will combine blockchain technology with live fights, movies, TV, and social media.

As of now, both news outlets Cointelegraph and Venturebeat still have the news article up on the website. The story suggests that Tyson will serve as the founder and chairman of the sports and competition committee for Fight to Fame and  Farzam Kamalabadi will be the CEO of the company. The article also claimed that  Stan Larimer would work as a cryptocurrency and blockchain expert on the project.

Mike’s attorney and wife both told a news outlet that Mike had met the people who are behind Fight to Fame two years ago but never made any sort of deal with the company.  Currently, if you visit Fight to Fame, it shows the countdown till the company starts its services. The fake website promoted itself using Mike Tyson’s photographs and fake quotes.

Earlier in May, coinintelligence posted an article titled “Fight to fame; Another blockchain fraud.” The report alleged that the real owner of Fight to Fame was “an Interpol-wanted, financial fraudster named