Beware: Bitcoin Google search QR code scam

A research shows that when someone googles bitcoin QR code generator most of the results that pop up lead to fake websites. According to a Forbes report, 4 out of the first five results that come up while searching bitcoin QR code generator lead to scam websites. And if a code is generated using any of those websites the transactions made would automatically go to the scammer’s address.

Researchers from ZenGo crypto wallet found that if a user uses one of these scam websites to generate his bitcoin QR code, it will create a QR code for the scammer’s wallet. The study estimated $20,000 worth of QR code scams.

The report suggested users to be careful while generating a QR code and use a known and trusted website for generating a bitcoin QR code. It also advised users to verify the QR code by scanning it with a wallet app before making a transaction.

QR code is a very easy way to share data as it helps to avoid the hustle of manually entering a long bitcoin address. However, QR codes are not humanly readable, which provides an opportunity for scammers to fraud people of their money.