Be ready to login into Facebook using Blockchain Technology.

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, in his interview with a professor of Harvard Law, Jonathan Zittrain told that he is seriously considering to merge blockchain technology into his social network. Zuckerberg also said that he is likely interested in incorporating the Facebook login with the blockchain.

Zuckerberg added so because he wants to attract software developers

who doesn’t rely on corporations that can cut off users’ access?

Zuckerberg’s interest in blockchain technology:

He is interested in combining blockchain technology into Facebook login because it can be used to enable users to control their data. According to the Facebook CEO,  blockchain could replace Facebook connect which will help the users by controlling their and privacy.

This type of system would attract software developers who don’t want to rely on corporations that can cut off users’ access.

Zuckerberg also spoke about the safety of the users. So as they are neither recruited by the terrorist nor exploited.

Facebook welcomes blockchain:

At the beginning of last year, it did not work that good between Facebook and Blockchain, now Facebook has decided to start a mutual relationship with blockchain technology and to amalgamate with its services.

By the end of 2018, Facebook revealed that they are working to develop its own stablecoin, a digital currency that allows its user to transfer money digitally.  Special focus is on India, where a policy of demonetization and adoption of the blockchain technology is taking place and WhatsApp is also extremely popular.