BCH Money Button: Bitcoin Cash vs Bitcoin

Gaining complete insights on BCH Money Button.

What’s an API?

The Application Programming Interface is a small piece of software code. It acts as an interface between two or more databases, Applications, and systems. They basically have the functionality of delivering your request to a particular server and receiving back the response from the server to your end. The entire internet and most of the payment channels are exclusively based on the Application Programming Interfaces, which is predominantly provided by many payment gateway providers. The APIs can easily be integrated with a particular website, application, or software and acts as an intermediary which enables a seamless interaction between different systems.

BCH Money Button: a payment API

The BCH Money Button is one such plugin or API which was predominantly developed for its integration with Yours.org. In fact, it was developed by the members of yours.org, which allows for seamless Bitcoin Cash transactions to be initiated on the Blockchain powered social media and content curation website. Yours.org is specialized to assist the content creators, in earning some profits through their contents. Ryan X Charles, who is one of the lead developers in the creation of the interface, also released a beta version so that the users can familiarise themselves and also, the developers can be exposed to the exceptions and bugs in their code.

BCH Money Button: an initiative by Yours.org

The Money button interface basically requires a valid Bitcoin cash address to initiate transactions based on it. It is highly difficult to imagine the condition of such tipping services through the traditional currency systems. Yours.org is a blogging website which entails innovative methods of content creation and propagation. They use paid comments, micropayments pay walls, etc. in order to optimize the entire ecosystem. Immediately after the inception of Bitcoin Cash, Yours.org was put on a show before the world. The Money Button interface was the outcome, of a consistent request for a payment system, which could easily be integrated for the usage, by third-party applications and websites.

How secure is BCH Money Button?

The BCH Money Button is also regarded as one of the most simple interfaces which can easily be integrated for its usage. It is also highly secure, as the personal funds which are transferred through the BCH Money Button interface, is not in the control of the interface and is safely transferred through the Bitcoin cash Blockchain. The BCH Money Button can be presumed as, a non-custodial wallet based on Bitcoin cash platform which predominantly runs on the user’s device. The BCH Money Button provides an amazing accessibility to the Bitcoin Cash blockchain.

Even Bitcoin and Litecoin were considered for the BCH Money Button

It is interesting to know that the developers at the BCH Money Button, were looking out for ways to integrate the technology with the usage of Bitcoin or Litecoin, before actually settling down with Bitcoin Cash. By testing their payment channel with Bitcoin, they concluded that the high amount of transaction fees was not resonating with their architecture. Even with Litecoin, as the transaction fees were lower when compared to Bitcoin, they had finalized it, but with the inception of Bitcoin Cash in 2016, they instantly switched to it, as its transaction fees were almost 30x lesser than Litecoin. The payment channels also was absolutely not an issue with BCH.

How did Bitcoin Cash gain an advantage over Bitcoin and Litecoin?

During the beta version release of the interface, the developers extensively made use of the time window and were successfully able to point out 2 critical bugs in BCH Money Button interface code. Due to the incorporation of the BCH blockchain, they were able to save enough time, by not worrying about the payment channel issues, during the beta stage, as it was taken well care by the BCH blockchain. The developers also revealed that incorporation of BCH helped them in reducing their program code by almost 10,000 lines.

Funding for BCH Money Button

The BCH Money Button payment service seems to be highly reliable, through their website interface and also through their expert developmental team. The project has been funded by many Angel investors along with some of the most prominent Blockchain based organizations like nChain (a blockchain based Research and Development Institute), Bitmain (one of the largest Bitcoin mining pool from China), DCG ( Venture Capitalist), etc.