Ask Amy advises a divorced woman who has to pay the debt of her husband’s bitcoin gambling addiction – Bitcoin News

Washinton Post columnist Amy Dickinson gave advice to a woman whose former husband lead a secret life and bought bitcoin for online gambling. In the popular segment Ask Amy, the journalist received a question from a woman who wrote that she and her unsuccessfully self-employed ex-husband borrowed $25,000 from her parents, most of which the husband spent the money on leading a secret life.

The woman wrote that now, after divorce, she has to pay the credit card bills of her husband that he racked up buying bitcoin and spending on online gambling. Her lawyer suggested not to push the ex-husband for money in fear that he might snap as his mental condition was not good at the time.

She further wrote that her parents suggested that maybe ex-husband’s parents should be responsible for paying the loan on behalf of their son. Amy Dickinson wrote that she should comply regarding her legal responsibility and let her parents decide if they want money from the ex-husband’s parents.

She also wrote that it is likely that the parents of his former husband probably do not have that sort of money, or otherwise, he would have asked them first. Amy further noted that it was the wife and her family, who enabled her former husband to keep the reality of his problems a secret.