Apple going to launch its own blockchain soon?

Bitcoin technology has created some wonders in the finance market. The craze of participation in bitcoin and blockchain technology by companies is increasing day by day. The success of these new technologies has enabled some huge companies to work and participate. Recently, JP Morgan, one of the largest financial firms in the United States also announced the launch of its stablecoin. Now everyone is doubting when the tech giant Apple would launch anything related to the blockchain. Is Apple working on Blockchain technology behind the scenes? In this article, we would discuss some of the recent activities made by Apple which enable us to think that this company is working on blockchain technology behind the scenes.

1. Recently, Apple has submitted a filing with the SEC i.e.  Securities and Exchange Commission and it is assumed that this document contains the details about the interest that this huge organization is working on blockchain technology. We all are aware of the role that SEC plays in blockchain technology. Recently, SEC restricted the ICO for the security reasons and the birth of STOs projects was the result of this restriction. With the submission of the filing by Apple with the SEC, the rumors of Apple entering the crypto space has also become a topic to discuss. And with this news, it can’t be ignored that there is some plan in the idea of Apple company which is related to Blockchain technology and if this happens, it could be a catalyst for the crypto space in its bear market.

2. Also, there is news that the company chaired the internal committee and the board of RBA in 2018. The special thing about this meeting was the presence of the blockchain team. The inclusion of the blockchain team in this meeting has to lead many to assume and think that maybe the main aim of this meeting was somehow related to blockchain technology. Many trade analyst predicts that some important topics and projects related to the blockchain technology could have been discussed. And with news, the predictions and rumors that Apple is working on blockchain technology behind the scenes can’t be ignored.

3. Apple has also filed a patent with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. In this patent of application, Apple mentions creating an application which could certify the timestamps using the famous blockchain technology. As per Apple, this application can be used to create as well as storing the timestamps using the blockchain to protect sensitive elements such as SIM used in mobile phones or microSD that contains the credential and information of a person if any single node is hacked by some measure. This patent and application clearly clarify that this tech company is taking a huge interest in blockchain technology. If this patent gets cleared by the concerned committee, then it would be the first product of the Apple organization which supports blockchain technology in any means.

4. Competitions from other tech competitors: Slowly but for sure, many huge companies are taking interest in blocking technology. For example, Microsoft is entering in this domain by collaborating with Bakkt, Facebook just acquired a crypto company called Chain space and even the CEO of Twitter admitted to having some bitcoins and called this market as a market of future. Now, we all are aware of the competitions between these tech giants. While, one is entering in the blockchain technology, as per the perspective of competitions, the fact can’t be ignored that others would be in process of some other project in the domain. Since all other competitors of Apple are working on blockchain technology, it can be assumed that there would be some project in the mind of the blockchain team of Apple for sure.

With the above-mentioned points, it could be assumed that we can soon find one of the largest mobile and laptop brand, Apple launching a product based on blockchain technology or in partnership with any organization in the crypto space. If either of the predictions gets true, it would be a very positive move by Apple for the rising of crypto space as well. So, we can conclude that Yes, Apple is working on blockchain technology behind the scenes.