Analysis: Is there a future for Pundi X?

Pundi X ( NPXS ) is one Of the very few coins in the midst Of a market collapse, where it has deployed 5, 500 Of its blockchain ( XPOS ) points that are capable of mass adoption.

In the future, Pundi X could be able to position itself as the cryptocurrency debit card and the world’s largest cryptocurrency chain by connecting the Pundi X and POS devices.

Now, Pundi X is confident that they can become the largest, decentralized offline cryptocurrency sales network and capture the next generation of cryptographic speculators and traders with the increased convenience of their mobile wallet and POS.

What Pundi X Offers:

Pundi X offers a solution with three technologies: The Pundi X Platform, mobile wallets, and card payments. Pundi X says that the service is better than Bitcoin ATMs because they have lower costs, more services, and more compact size.

Although it is said that Pundi X is reluctant to deal with XPhone specifications, it is said that the phone is acting as a node in the network of other phones on the blockchain. Today, the combination of endless new data sources, low – cost computers and new AI technology drives fundamental changes – it’s time to “raise the bar” in terms of technology.

Thanks to the extensive history of the company’s scaling up of financial technology, Pundi X is able to take advantage of the Indonesian cryptocurrency market and achieve the team’s promise to install at least 100, 000 POS in three years. Today, the Pundi X team is partnering with currency exchange platforms, cryptocurrency portfolios, fashion brands, and chain stores to launch cryptocurrency payment cards.

From Binance to Bittrex, the Pundi X market and the listing team took advantage of the last year to offer the best opportunities for NPX holders.

In August, last year a total of 500, 001 NPX coins were removed from the total supply due to the shipment of 5, 000 XPOS units and revenues generated by retail trade.

The future of Pundi X totally depends upon its adoption worldwide. Currently, it is not experiencing much adoption but the team is continuously working hard to make it possible. Let’s see what’s ahead for them. What are your thoughts on the future of Pundi X? Tell us in the comments section below.